It Lives!
I have absolutely zero idea how to use the internet appropriately but might as well try!
Image Credit by LaCroix Grimoire - Seventh Age: Phoebe
In the before times
Prior to the strange-disease-ridden world, we live in. I started authoring books and articles…then hit the convention scene damn hard. Many of you have seen me or met me at various anime shows throughout the years (and it’s probably where you got my novels or found your way here). Unfortunately, the other side of being a writer I entirely neglected during my time hitting conventions. While I got my book in the hands of many people, I failed at having a centralized location, mailing list, store, a place to find updates—and hell even figure out what show I’m going to.
No longer!
Enter the website 2.0! After finishing some major projects, I’ve finally the bandwidth to create and fix the errors of my ways. My intent with this particular post… is nothing more than to check out how a blog looks, gets formatted, and fucking make sure it works. Once this is all up and running, I’m going to rekindle some of my blogging loves that is still underserved: covering Kickstarters, GMtips, convention life and more. This way, I can focus on dedicated content that stands the test of time rather than screaming into the abyssal void of the internet.
….wait… that’s what this is isn’t?
Well… hello darkness my old friend.
Anyway, if this posts right and looks all pretty then you’ve officially found the very first post I’ve written for myself.
Image Credits: LaCroix Grimoire
To reach out for press coverage, contact me at